The gathering of collective memory. A pre-literate notion of memory, in a communal way, something commemorative rather than putting a memory in a container. What we thought it was going to be changed completely. We are in that way changing our memory of what it was supposed to be. What are you able to collect? Memories? Objects? People? A collection of texts and people, collecting and composing each other? Somehow it's not even important that we have all the knowledge, what's important is the living, generative sense of the collection.


Simon Browne


A download symbol

see also acquiring/removing, finding texts, uploading

A reader who downloads and does not upload is a passive observer to the activities of the library. We prefer to be in the position of the downloader, due to the legal penalties for uploading and redistributing copyrighted texts, which are far more severe than those for downloading. However, the library will not grow if all we do is take. A library is a collection of shared texts, and sharing is facilitated by both uploading and downloading.

Image: A download symbol